
One Book can REALLY change your life

I used to be the person that became quickly irratated depending on the mood I was in. I was never without a sarcastic remark if I felt like being a jerk. As my mother used to say, when I was good, I was really good but when I was bad I was horrid. That's some kind of description coming from my mother. I always felt the need to open my mouth and just say something if I felt like I was being challenged or if I just wanted to have the last word. I navigated all of my childhood and a lot of my adult life with this way of acting and thinking. I can't explain why I acted like this because at the time I didn't really take accountability of my own short-comings but I could tell you alot about your own. Despite this behaviour, I've always had a lot of friends and people who wanted to be my friend, maybe because ,my good side was really good, as my mother said. I will say that this type of moody behaviour did not serve me well in the long run. There were many times when I brought unnecessary hardache and inconveinence to myself because of my "bad" moments. I didn't know what I was doing wrong until I read this book years ago. It opened my eyes and allowed me to see how I acted in particular situations and why. I was taking things personally and making assumptions. The book is, The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz. This book allowed me to see my shortcomings like a bright giant neon sign. The book basically provides four principles to practice as guidelines for living your life. I still practice these guidelines and I have recommended these guidelines as well as this book to several people and they have also expressed how beneficial it was to them. It has made me a much better person. I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you want to see a significant improvement in the way your mind processes thoughts and the way you deal with others.

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