
Be Interested !!!

It doesn't take much to notice the amount of effort that people go through to try and sell themselves or their opportunity to you. With the popularity of social media in hyper growth, people are making attempts to capitalize in any way they can and grab some piece of the financial pie that is being created from this phenomena. No matter what the message they are trying to get across or how good their deal is they have to offer, one thing has always and will always hold true: People are not interested in you or what you have to say initially because you have not taken the time or effort to get to know them or anything about them, but you still suggest that you know what the best deal is or how you can help them. How can you help anyone without first knowing what it is they need help with? The answer is, you can't possibly know. So what is the answer? It is simply taking time to get to know the person personally by asking questions and most importantly, listening. This is simple but seldom practiced by people in business today either because of the pressure we put on ourselves to "close" a prospect or by lack of patience. In either case, you will never establish a meaningful, long term business relationship with anyone unless you are first interested in that person. You must be interested in order to be interesting.